REMINDER: Registration is secured when payment is submitted
ALSO, the Registration deadline for each tournament is the Friday BEFORE so that we may get schedules out Sat/Sun before to allow teams and families to plan.
The Registration "Who's Coming in 2025" is not currently available.
1) Chatham Braves 7U
2) Chatham Braves 8U
3) Morton 8U Red
4) Petersburg Jays 8U
5) Tribe 8U
6) Hitting Center Arsenal
1) Chatham Braves RED
2) Predator Baseball
1) Chatham Braves
2) Dunlap
3) Illinois Gators
4) Bluecats
5) Mt. Zion Black
1) Chatham Braves RED
2) Mafia
3) Pleasant Plains Cardinals
4) Springfield Cardinals 12U
5) Springfield Shamrocks
6) 1:9 Legacy
7) Vandalia Vandals
8) Bluecats
1) Chatham Braves
2) Small Town Swing
3) Central Illinois Grit
4) BNBA Renegades Blue
1) Chatham Braves
2) American Legion Post 32 Eagles
3) Central Valley Baseball
4) Arsenal
1) Chatham Braves
3) Pawnee Warriors
4) American Legion Post 32 Patriots
5) Bluecats
6) RochesterRockets
7) Wallaceburg Warriors
1) Chatham Braves
2) Illinois Patriots Blue
3) Taylorville Storm
4) Central State Spikes
5) Bluecats
6) Mattoon Rage
7) Tribe
1) Chatham Braves 14U
2) Chatham Braves 15U
3) Illinois Patriots
4) Macon County Mayhem
5) Arsenal
6) Christian Center Blue
7) TBSA Tribe
8) Illinois Smoke